Monday, February 28, 2005

Interviews that NBC "omitted"

Interviews that NBC omitted:

3 hour on-camera interview with Boyd Haley, Ph.D, Chemistry; Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Kentucky; expert on mercury and heavy metal toxicity

3 hour on-camera interview with Dr. Rashid Buttar, toxicologist, on chelating mercury from "autistic" children

4 hour on-camera interview with Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier--the only independent and non-CDC researchers who have gained access (after overcoming CDC obstacles) and analyzed the CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink ("VSDL")

1 hour phone interview with Lyn Redwood, President, Safeminds (Sensible Action For Ending Mercury Induced Neurodevelopmental Disorders);

Phone interview with Dr. S. Jill James, University of Arkansas

Phone interview with representatives of the Environmental Working Group ("EWG")-EWG prepared "Overloaded", an analysis of the cause of the autism epidemic and concluded that mercury exposure was a major contributor; view EWG's report at

Examples of biased editing:

1 hour taping with David Kirby, author, "Evidence Of Harm" -- 1 ambiguous statement was used out of context and created a misleading impression of the author's views

Used abbreviated version:

Richard Deth, PhD, Northeastern University

Dr. Ken Bock, on chelating mercury from "autistic" children